First hallway: sixth door on the left.
I don’t know how it all started.
Second hallway: fifteenth door on the right.
I remember waking up, and I was just... here.
Third hallway: twenty-first door on right-- turn handle counter-clockwise.
It doesn’t matter how it happened, I just have to keep going.
Fifth hallway: puke-green door with peephole and silver knob.
In a lot of ways, it’s like a game. I mean, people love corn mazes, right?
Ninth hallway: take crowbar (behind tenth door on left) and force open fifth door on right.
Maybe it’s a test? Maybe I’m just some twisted version of Pavlov’s dog.
Sixteenth hallway: Run. There’s only two doors, must open right door within thirty seconds.
When you pick the wrong door... just don’t pick the wrong door.
Twenty-seventh hallway: Don’t open your eyes. Feel your way to the thirtieth door on the right.
I wish they would stop getting longer. My legs are so tired.
Forty-ninth hallway: Giant pile of keys. One of them opens the twenty-eighth door on the left.
It has to be a dream. I mean, really, think about the physicality of it. It’s just... too big.
Sixty-third hallway: Find the door that smells like oranges... reminds me of home.
There’s this constant high-pitched tone. Makes it hard to remember.
Eighty-ninth hallway: Open the third fifth sixth door on the left right. I think.
I’m running out of space to take notes. I mean, you only have so much skin. You know?
One hundred-twenty-fifth hallway: There’s a keypad. 978. I was sure this would be the end...
If it sent me back, like ten or even fifty hallways, I could stand it. But... all the way back?
Three hundred-fifty-sixth hallway: Doors all look the same, but have differently textured knobs.
I’ve never made it this far... I just have to pick one.
Maybe, somehow, this is-- nope.
Well... here we go again.
First hallway: sixth door on the left.
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