Friday, March 6, 2015

Who’s there?

There’s a knocking at the door-- can’t you hear it?
Crashing, smashing, and gnashing at the brittle wood.
How long can it hold?

There’s something in the walls-- can’t you see it?
Skittering, scraping, and scuttling just out of sight.
How long can you hide?

There’s a rumbling in the floor-- can’t you feel it?
Rattling, chattering, and clattering beneath your feet.
How long can you stand it?

There’s someone in the attic-- can’t you smell it?
Sweating, screaming, and shaking in the shadows.
How long can they last?

There’s blood in the air-- can’t you taste it?
Dancing, caressing, and kissing at your tongue.
How long have you craved it?

There’s a beast in your head-- and you know it.
Pawing, clawing, and gnawing at darkest desires.
How long before it wins?

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