Monday, October 6, 2014

Circuit Breaker

You’re sure it’s here somewhere.
It’s just along the left wall.
...or was it the right?
Regardless, you’ll find the breaker soon enough.
Everything will be okay.

The basement seems larger than you remember.
Don't worry, that’s just the darkness playing tricks with you.
You’re just startled from dropping the flashlight earlier.
It feels like you should’ve felt the edge of the wall by now.
You’re probably just moving slower than you thought.

This is no different than any other time you’ve reset the breaker.
Nothing has changed.

You should’ve felt your way to the other wall by now.
Maybe you did already?
Yes, that must be it.
You must have.
That means you’ll find it any moment now.

Was it always so cold in the basement?
Maybe you’ve never been down here long enough to notice.

You must have missed it.
It’s so obvious now.
It must be higher off the ground than you thought.
...or lower.
Either way, finding it now will be simple.

You’ve made it around the whole room by now, haven’t you?
Shouldn’t you have found it by now?
Where are the stairs?
You’re being hysterical.
You need to calm down.
You shouldn’t let the darkness get to you.

You’ll find it.
Everything will be okay.
I’m sure of it.

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